Codependency can cause individuals to ignore their needs to appease others
Codependency: What You Need to Know
Codependency is an emotional condition in which individuals frequently ignore their own needs while constantly fulfilling the needs of others. This is a learned behavior that develops as a result of dysfunctional relationship patterns, which can often be related to a loved one’s substance abuse. Individuals who have experienced trauma, especially physical, sexual, or verbal abuse due to a loved one’s addiction or mental health conditions, are at high risk for developing codependency and control issues. Codependency can often be passed down through generations of unhealthy family relationships.
According to Mental Health America, here are some other symptoms:
- Lack of trust in self and others
- A sense of guilt related to asserting one’s own needs
- Always doing more than one’s share
- Feeling hurt when one’s efforts are not recognized
- An overdeveloped sense of responsibility for others (and the actions of others)
- A need to control one’s environment or the behavior of others
- Fear of abandonment or loneliness
- A deep need for approval or validation
- Difficulty establishing healthy boundaries with others
- Chronic anger
- Difficulty adjusting to change
- Difficulty making decisions, identifying feelings, or communicating clearly with others
A Codependent Relationship vs. a Supportive One
A codependent relationship is characterized by a willingness to sacrifice your wants and needs to feel loved and validated by another person.
Our experienced, compassionate Admissions team is here to help 24 hours a day and will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. Let our specialists help you create a road map to get you where you want to go: a healthier, more balanced, fulfilling place in life. When you call, you’ll be led through a series of questions to determine if the Claudia Black Young Adult Center is the right fit for your needs, and how soon your treatment can begin.
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