mental health

Why Self-Harm is Happening Earlier and More Often

We’re living in stressful times, and unfortunately, children and teens are not immune to the challenges we are facing in the world today. Young people are dealing with more stress, anxiety, and depression than ever before, and it leaves many of them seeking ways to cope. Read More

Peer Pressure to be on Rx Meds

By Wesley Gallagher In the age of modern medicine, we have a pill for almost everything. And while it’s great that scientific advancements have allowed for so many wonderful medications for physical and mental health issues that in the past went untreated, they are often prescribed or used unnecessarily. Particularly… Read More

TikTok Grows Up

By Anna McKenzie TikTok was once a scrappy, exciting social media platform that served up dance videos, tutorials, and humorous content from users regardless of their number of likes or followers. Without gatekeeping algorithms that showed preference to popular content, users were able to enjoy a fun, free-for-all of interesting… Read More

Winter Break: Did It Create Concern for Some Parents?

By Melissa Riddle Chalos Winter break can be a beautiful thing. It offers students the opportunity to slow down, rest up, and regroup, a much-needed break from the social and academic stress of the daily routine. It gives families time to be together, create memories, and have important conversations. Read More

The Price We Pay for the Pressure to Succeed

With higher exposure to the “success” of others and fewer coping skills than generations reared through hardship, America’s teen population is increasingly falling victim to bouts of anxiety and depression that are not just chronic, but debilitating. Read More

Has it Become Popular to be Depressed?

The fight for mental health awareness has been a long one, and talking about mental health openly is one of the best ways to raise awareness. Unfortunately, one of the dangers of social media is that awareness can easily turn to glamorization. With all this talk of mental health online, it seems reasonable to ask, Has it become popular to be depressed? Read More

Summer Olympics 2021: The Pain of Not Making the Team

By Melissa Riddle Chalos With the Summer Olympics set to open on July 23, people around the world are entranced by elite athletic performance, and the extra year of waiting for the Toyko Games has only added to the anticipation.  Athletes in every sport spend most of their lives aspiring… Read More

Millennials, Suicide, Overdose, and COVID-19

Millennials have been suffering from a health decline in recent years, experiencing higher rates of depression, suicide, and drug overdose than the previous generation. A number of factors have been implicated in this decline, but the COVID-19 pandemic has put them in the spotlight: Millennials are dealing with a poor job… Read More

The Digital Dilemma: Avoiding Online Pitfalls

By Anna McKenzie Without question, social media has increased our exposure to both the positive and negative aspects of social life. At their worst, these platforms have arguably created the potential for addiction as well as harm to our mental health. Likes, comments, and shares — seemingly indicating approval… Read More