New Blog about Triggers by Clinical Director of Rio Retreat

October 13, 2018

Written by

Claudia Black Center

Author Headshot



When Current Events Trigger Your Past Trauma

By Dr. Georgia Fourlas, LCSW, LISAC, CSAT-S
Clinical Director of Workshops
Rio Retreat Center at The Meadows

Most people have dealt with some form of trauma in their lifetime. Some have sought professional help, while others relied on their family and friends’ support system to assist them through healing. Others may have never dealt with their trauma at all. They may have found a way to numb their reactions to their trauma (e.g., substance use, intimacy disorders, overworking, eating disorders, etc.). Or they may have forgotten memories of the traumatic event…

Dr. Fourlas delves into three current events and how they could trigger trauma based on past events. In the film ‘A Star is Born,’ the recent limousine crash that occurred in New York and the controversial debate surrounding the appointment to the Supreme Court are discussed as to why these current events could trigger traumatic memories from the past.

To read more, visit