Don’t worry about making any one person the answer
Let recovery be the answer
Don’t worry about finding that good mother
Let the rooms embrace you
Don’t worry about the “God thing”
Let the peace of the program grow inside you one day at a time
Don’t even worry about working the program
Open yourself and let the program work in you
Don’t worry about finding yourself because if you walk this path
Your Self will find you…
Don’t worry about finding the path…
The path is inside of you and you find it one step at a time….
Don’t worry about finding a passion…
Let your passion lie in joyful and purposeful living….
Don’t worry about the past because the past that you need to work through are those parts that interfere with your present
They will show themselves to you if you are mindful and aware
And you will face them with courage, heart and even joy
Don’t worry about the future because today well and mindfully lived
Today loved and embraced….
Today faced and dealt with….
Are what you have and they will shape your future….
Take it a day at a time
Have faith
Have heart
Have courage
Keep love in your heart.
You will be OK …you will be fine….
And more times than you think, your wildest dreams will come true.
From The Soulful Journey of Recovery…..fall 2019
Tian Dayton PhD