Mental Health

Navigating Grief & Loss

Processing the pain and roller coaster of emotions that come with loss can be daunting. How do we know how to deal with grief? Does time truly “heal all wounds” like the adage suggests? What practical solutions can help as you learn how to navigate grief? Read More

What is Hangxiety?

We all know the telltale signs of a hangover: headache, nausea, dehydration, exhaustion. But there’s a symptom you might have experienced without knowing what it is — hangover anxiety — or to use a catchy new word: hangxiety. Read More

Mental Health Discrimination at Colleges

College is glorified as this incredible season of growth, adventure, and often labeled as “the best time of your life.” This fails to show the full picture of this season, one filled with change and vulnerability (and oftentimes being away from home for the first time). Read More

988 Hotline Adds 24/7 Help for LGBTQ+

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline essential emergency service now includes LGBTQ hotline, chat, and text options. This means if you or someone you care about is struggling with mental health or substance use, you have a confidential, culturally competent, and compassionate resource in an emergency. Read More

In the Military, the Whole Family Serves

While children of military families are often resilient, even amidst parental deployment, they still struggle with increased stress, feelings of isolation, and emotional and behavioral problems. It’s important to understand the effects that military family stress can have on individuals and how we can support our serving members, veterans, and their children. Read More

Reality TV Love vs. Love in Real Life

Most of us have been sucked into the drama of a reality TV program, and for good reason. Reality TV, by nature, is alluring. It provides viewers an alternate, often better, reality than their own. Reality romance shows like Love Island, Love Is Blind, and The Bachelor franchise are especially popular. For a few hours a day, we too can escape with beautiful people to 5-star resorts in exotic locations, seeking “true love” with no responsibilities or repercussions. Read More

When TikTok Trends Turn Dangerous

Whether you love it, loathe it, or fall somewhere in between, 1.2 billion active monthly users help ensure that TikTok is not going away any time soon. In 2021, the social media app surpassed Google’s popularity, according to a Cloudflare report that tracks internet traffic metrics. And thanks to TikTok’s ever-changing array of content and viral challenges where ordinary people can achieve elusive internet celebrity status, it’s not surprising that people keep coming back. But for every fun new dance, tasty pasta recipe, or unknown author, singer, or cute kid who rises to popularity courtesy of the app, there’s a growing number of truly dangerous TikTok trends. Read More

More Young Adults are Seeking Mental Health Help

We’ve all learned from any number of ridiculous and often dangerous TikTok stunts that not everything that trends with young adults is a good thing. But in a world where what’s cool today is uncool tomorrow, a positive trend has emerged with some staying power. Read More

Navigating a Quarter-Life Crisis

Similar to a mid-life crisis, a quarter-life crisis involves many of the same emotions, anxiety, pressure, and societal expectations of the midlife crisis; it just occurs during a more developmental stage of life. Read More

How Parents’ Issues Impact Kids

It’s no secret that, as parents, you have a huge impact on your kids. As the primary caregivers of your children, you are responsible for providing a loving and stable home environment. You also have the unique responsibility to discipline and teach them how to handle any adversity that may come their way. No one is perfect, however, and our parenting can have both positive and negative effects on our children. Read More